Online Consultations2019-02-10T15:19:37+00:00

Online Consultations

To achieve optimal results that will satisfy your needs and your vision of yourself, it is necessary to thoroughly examine the facts and possibilities for achieving potential results. Therefore, the service above all services is proper consultation.

Why Online?

It would be nice if we could just go and buy what we need for our bodies to look the way we want them to, shop for enhancements, take treatments without much thinking, try out various treatments without too much thought.

Yes, it would be nice, but reality begs to differ. All that worths in our lives cost valuable time and resources. And that’s exactly why I recommend Online Consultations – to save your time and money, and You from unneeded waste of energy and efforts put into random subjection to various treatments that maybe won’t yield optimal results for you. Everyone is different in some ways and best way to have a positive experience is to have one tailored especially for you.

Time Factor

Most of us just don’t have time or energy. Maybe one visit is just not enough. If you live far, you can’t afford to come every now and then but thanks to technology and digital communication, together we can make the most of our time. By using it wisely, there is more for things that we really love and enjoy. Once you’ve had a proper consultation, you can be sure that your time & money in the future will be well spent!

The Virtual Steps

Step 1. Please complete this consultation form, including your medical and surgical history. I request that you “attach several photos” regarding the aesthetic area(s) of concern. The initial photos required are the front view and two side views.  These photos can be easily attached to your consultation form and sent to my office via email.

Step 2. I will personally review each consultation form submitted. Following this, my patient coordinator will respond to you directly.  This correspondence will address if you are a candidate for some procedure inquired or if another treatment would be better suited for optimal aesthetic results.  At this time, a “Virtual Consultation” may be scheduled.

Step 3. I will tailor your appointment to fit within your schedule and travel arrangements. Oftentimes, “Virtual Consultations” via Skype, Internet and phone will
address routine questions, concerns and solutions.
*Special Note: The “Virtual Consultation” service offered by Dr. Masha is based only on the medical information and photographs made available by the patient through the provided service. Therefore, this is not an adequate substitute for an in person office visit.

    To make the most out of your online consultation, and to allow Dr.Masha to make the most comprehensive assessment, please do your best to submit your photographs in the following format:
    1. Use a solid background.
    2. Take one frontal photo with the face or body centered and looking straight.
    3. Take 2 profile photos, one clearly demonstrating the right side and the other the left.
    4. Images cannot be larger than 2MB (megabytes) in filesize.

    Communications through our website or via email are not encrypted and are not necessarily secure. Use of the internet or email is for your convenience only, and by using them, you assume the risk of unauthorized use. By checking this box you hereby agree to Dr. Masha’s team, harmless from any hacking or any other unauthorized use of your personal information by outside parties. The opinion rendered by Dr. Masha is based on the information provided by the prospective patient and is not final. Once our office receives any patient information, it will always be maintained in the strictest of confidence.